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Population characteristics of Raigarh District.

MRP :  ₹ 249 ( Paper Back )

  • Author Name      :   Dr. Kajal Moitra
  • ISBN          :   978-93-88660-83-9
  • No of Pages      :   64
  • Publisher             :   Sankalp Publication
  • SKU Code       :  SP/19/0074
  • Availablity      :   AVAILABLE
  • Book Size       :   5X8
  • Publishing Date  :   2020-01-01



“The study of population is one of the important aspect of research on human development. The varying content and methodologies of different disciplines studying population notwithstanding, each social science has made valuable contribution towards the understanding of spatio temporal pattern of population”. (Wood, 1979). Aurousseau (1923) and Jefferson (1909)had contributed several papers for the need of greater attention to this field. The most important question related to population geography is spatial distribution of demographic factors. The geographical study of distribution, growth and characteristics of human resource helps in understanding actual situation of geographical area in order to improve and sustain the Human development programme. Chhattisgarh is the one of the developing state of India in terms of social, economical and health development. It is important and interesting to study the population growth, distribution and density at district level. A population is all the organism that both belong to the same species and live in the same geographical area. The area that is used to define the population is such that inter –breeding is possible between any pair within the area and more probable than cross –breeding with individuals from other areas. Normally breeding is substantially more common within the area than across the border (Hartil 2007) Population study is concerned not only with the population variables but also with the relationship between social, economical and other factors. It includes all aspects of human population. Population studies is not important in the past but at present it is very useful for various aspects such as politics, administration and environmental studies etc.Population geography is emerging branch of Geography. There are three main aspects of population studies – (i) The distribution of people (ii) The origin of human society and (iii) The degree of success The total population of Chhattisgarh state was 25545198 from 2011 census. The Break up of male area population and female area population is 12832895 and 12712303 respectively. The highest number of population belongs Raipur district (3016930) figureduring 2011 Census in the state. The total population of Raigarh district is 1493984 from 2011 census. The breakup of rural area per urban area population is 1247682 and 246302 respectively. The highest number of population belongs Raigarh tehsil (307513) and Gharghoda tehsil (79425) has the lowest population distribution during 2011 Census in the state.

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Dr.(Mrs) Kajal Moitra (DOB 6/07/1984)Associate Professor and Head (Department of Social Science ),obtained her M.A.(Geography ) and M. Phil (with Merit) Degree in Geography from Guru Ghasidas Central Vishwavidyalaya Bilaspur (C.G), in 2004 and 2005 respectively. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in geography from Guru Ghasidas Central Vishwavidyalaya Bilaspur (C.G) in 2013. The title of her Ph.D. thesis ‘’Disparities of Transport Network in Chhattisgarh State :A Geographical Analysis”. her fields of Specialization and interest are geography of population ,Agricultural geography and tribal and transport studies . Dr. Moitra has published more than 40 research Paper in various National and international journal. She has written chapter in books. Eleven research scholars have completed their M. Phil Degree under the supervision of Dr. Moitra and Four Ph.D. research scholar are working under the supervision of Dr. Moitra. She is life member of National Association of Geographers and Chhattisgarh bhugol parisad. She is member of referee board in two international multidisciplinary referred/ peer review research journal. She has 14 years teaching experience in higher education.She has given lectures on different topics and resource person for national and international programs. She has attended more than 45 National seminar/conferences/work shop and international conferences. At present she is working as a Associate Professor and Head (Department of Social Science) Dr. C.V. Raman University,Bilaspur.She is cultural coordinator and center head( Rabindranath tagore international center for Arts and culture) in the university.

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